Let us get to know you.
The Founders of Whitland Advisory Group started our company with a singularly shared passion of Helping Other People Everyday that continues to inspire all of us here to do what we can, when we can, for whomever we can.
Although we come from different parts of the country, we as a team truly believe our unique life experiences & shared vision give us with the greatest opportunity to continually succeed in our mission of Helping.
Scheduling an Appointment with one of our Principal Agents gives you a direct one-on-one advisory consultation where we can get to know you as well as listen to what your needs are from the person who knows you best: YOU. Hearing your experiences, thoughts and needs are critical to establishing a fundamental platform to begin creating a bespoke healthcare coverage plan that will take care of you and your loved ones when you need it most.
Please allow us to put to your mind at ease & do what we do best, so you can focus on the things that are most important to you.
We look forward to Helping.
Our Founders
Click to meet with one of the Whitland Group's Principal Agents